
Blog of a Writer on the Go and Barely Here.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Not What I Intended

Sorry for the lapse in posts. I put off writing because I was certain I'd have something awesome to share with you all this week. With all kinds of good things starting to take place, how could I not?

Well, at some point between all the awesomeness landing in my lap and the beginning of this week, the Universe turned around and blew me a huge raspberry. At least I hope that's what that sound was.

As some of you who follow me on Twitter know, I was attempting to get a position with the local library. Back in October they advertised for a Reader's Advisor. What better job for someone like me than helping people find books they'd love? (Yes, there's more to the job than that, but this aspect hooked me.)

Ok, maybe not quite this forcefully.

After applying and going through the most epic testing process I've ever gone through, everything went quiet. With no correspondence, I assumed I was out of the running. Then two weeks ago I got a call to come in for an interview. Ecstatic doesn't begin to describe how I felt and I once again dreamed about book chatter that paid.

Now here's the thing. When I'm nervous, I babble. My brain kicks into overdrive, causing me to talk too much and too fast. It also cuts off all answers to questions about myself. "What's your favorite color?" Uh... "What's your greatest strength?" Uh... "Can you tell us your name?" Nope!

For reference, I'm also the girl who, during my Junior Miss RI interview answered the question, "What's your favorite sound in the world?" with "ICE CREAM TRUCK!" because that was the first thing that popped into my head. Yeah, that answer went down well in a pageant atmosphere.

Might be something in our water...

So, my interview was all sorts of awkward, much like that Michael Bay interview. They'd ask a question, I'd think about it for waaaay too long, then spout out something that verged on making sense. Worst part? I had talked through almost all of these points with my husband ahead of time so I'd know what to say.

However, I could talk books. That was not a problem. Thanks a lot brain.

They told me I'd hear by the beginning of this week. We're now in the middle of this week, so I'm very doubtful I'll be getting that phone call.

There is a slight silver lining to this. I discovered that I can still be a active part of the ALA without being a librarian. Yes, it will be a huge time suck (the article I read's words, not mine) but it will be totally worth it. If I can't be an official Reader's Advisor, I shall endeavor to be an undercover one.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome to 2014

First post for a year filled with lots of potential. Then again, everyday is full of potential if we take advantage of it. Sometimes we only need to reach out and grab those opportunities and other times we have to hunt them down first. Today I'm focusing on the ones dangling in front of me.

I mentioned before that January could see a lot of changes. Some of those are moving along in the direction I wanted them to and others have fallen to the wayside. Right now I can't say what exactly is happening, but my busy January looks to be turning into a busy February as deadlines, requests and rejections move my own timeline around.

The one thing I can talk about is the Dark Crystal Author's Quest. Remember how I was going to be biting my nails until January 7th and how far away that sounded? Due to a sudden influx of last minute entries, the shortlist won't be announced until mid-late February. Hear that? Those are my nails begging for mercy.

In the meantime, my own work is still out and waiting for responses. A whole lot of waiting happening over here. While I'm waiting, I'm putting my own plans into effect, preparing for the busy year ahead of me.

Writing-wise, I'm planning on editing and revising at least one of the first draft mss waiting for attention. Working on that will keep me from refreshing my email too many times in the coming months. I also plan on participating in Camp NaNo and NaNoWriMo, even if it's to finish off first drafts. Picture Book Week has a place on my calendar as well, with the hope of writing something that will be usable.

In my own personal life, this is going to be a year of travel. From returning to libraries farther than a day's trip away to vacationing, I'm not hanging out around my place much. Two weddings for friends and family, both in different parts of the country, and one of which I'm officiating at. (No, I'm not telling you which one. I'm sure pictures will make there way onto the internet after the fact.)

Me and my husband also promised our two children we'd take them to Disney this year. We've begun making plans and in February (because all important decisions are taking place then) we get to officially book the trip.

So, that's basically my upcoming year in a nutshell. Will things change from the game plan? Undoubtedly. Will they be for the better? I certainly hope so. I'd like this year to be better than any year before and I plan to make it happen.

To all my readers, both old and new, a very Happy New Year. Grab a-hold of it and make it your own.