
Blog of a Writer on the Go and Barely Here.
Here by accident?
Looking for something more 'family-friendly'? Check out my Children's & Young Adult Blog:The Wide Writing World of Emily McKeon

Cool People's Blogs

Below are friends' blogs and other writing blogs I follow. Take a look.

Lindsey Gemme (As an aside note, Lee has been my best friend since we were 5. Literally First Day of School friends. So, you know, she's cool. ;-) )

AFE Smith Not only an awesome writer, but every Thursday you can catch her Barren Island Books segment.

Cracking Stories 4 Children Book blog dedicated to the younger crowd.

Gae Polisner

Getting Past the Gatekeeper

Gretchen Steen

Hazel Butler

Indie Day in the Sun

Jeff Fielder

Jeremy Rodden

John Lucas Hargis

Josephine Carr - Carr Talk

Kate Howell

Kate Jack's Blog

Kay Kauffman - Suddenly They All Died. The End.

Lindsey Parsons - Return of the Effra

Lisa Wiedmeier - Timeless Series

Mary Walters - The Militant Writer

Rose Wall

Sam Dogra

Sophie Tallis - The Darkling Chronicles

Tamara Hickman

Know another great blog or website not listed? Let me know about it!


  1. Aaawww, sweetie, thank you! LOL *hugs* You are totally awesome, too. And don't you forget it ;)

  2. Gotta lotta vivid nada on
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