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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Floating in a Cloud

I have a problem. I've discovered Wordleand now I'm addicted. It's true.
Wordle: Jack and the Corporate Ladder
Word Cloud for 'Jack and the Corporate Ladder'

 What is Wordle? Wordle is an online application that makes 'word clouds' out of your text.

Wordle: Down the Wooded Path
'Down the Wooded Path' Cloud

How does it work? The application takes a sample of text and arranges it in a picture format. The larger a word appears, the more commonly it appears in the sample.

Wordle: Mother of Monsters
Cloud for 'Mother of Monsters'
Besides being really cool, what purpose does Wordle serve? For writers, these little word cloud serve a huge purpose, while being fun. 

As a writer, we're told by readers, editors, agents and publishers when we tend to overuse words and which words are our most common go-to words. This program makes it easier for us to pinpoint what words we use the most and compare the usage to the rest of the text.

Have something you've written and want to check out? Head over to www.wordle.net and plug it in. I'd like to see everyone's beautiful creations.