
Blog of a Writer on the Go and Barely Here.
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I'm on a Panel!

I'm still here. Taking the 'Absentee' thing a bit seriously again, I'm afraid. Last week it was family vacation week, this week started Camp NaNo. Working on something new and I'm completely out of my element. I'll let you all know how it goes at the end of the month.

Between getting writing, editing and revising done, I'm still making appearances. This month, I'll be sitting in on my first panel at Charlton Library. I'm excited and a bit nervous. If you all want to come and give me some easy questions, I'd love you forever.

Seriously, if you're in the area and considering self-publishing, come check it out. I won't be the only one there, so even the hard questions have a chance of being answered.

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