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Friday, November 22, 2013

Done!...Or Not Quite Finished Yet

Here we are, nearly through November and I haven't posted. I thought about posting, but then again, I think about a lot of things and never get around to doing them.

As you can see by my lovely calendar, I have completed NaNoWriMo as of last night. Not that it means much other than I managed to get 50k+ words onto paper. The story is not yet finished.

At the beginning of the month I said I was using this time to complete partially written manuscripts. Well, I'm happy to say the first draft of PROMETHEUS' LANTERN is done and awaiting the Red Pen of Doom. I then turned my attentions to a collaboration project I've been tossing around with my husband for...well a long time. It's a 1920s detective story currently entitled TINMAN. We originally were writing it as podcast episodes, but changed our minds and are now attempting to get it written as serialized fiction: 10 'episodes' per story arc, each episode running around 5,000 words. We have roughly 5 story arcs in mind, although we haven't gotten past the first one yet.

At this point, I'm halfway through the 6th episode, which means over halfway done this story arc. When I finish, we'll revisit the idea of doing serialized or straight-out novels. Until then, I have a lot of words left to write. They're going to have to wait until December to be written.

Earlier this week I got an email reminding me of a Christmas Short Story Showcase I had agreed to do. Guess who forgot all about it? Yup, this girl. So for the next two weeks I'll be working on that. Once everything's finalized on the website, I'll post the link here.

On top of that, I'm only half done revising my Dark Crystal piece. In case you missed it, there is an Author Quest going on to search for someone to write a sequel to the Dark Crystal. To enter, I wrote a short piece (contest rules said between 7500-10,000 words) set in the Dark Crystal world and hinting at what my novel would be like should I be chosen. Yes, this is a long shot, but since I can't work with the Muppets as a children's TV show host, I might as well try the writing angle, right? Now, I need to have that done and in before the end of the year.

Last, but not least, PitchWars starts on December 2nd. Before that hits, I want to look over the novel I'm planning on entering, since it's been sitting on the back burner for a long time. DOWN THE WOODED PATH is going to get one more shot at the world before I tuck it away and move on.

So, I've got a busy month and a half (most of it being the next two weeks) in front of me. I guess this is what happens when you start seriously working on projects and getting your work out there. Suddenly DEADLINES are EVERYWHERE!!!

I haven't even thought about what I'm doing for ABNA should it be held again next year. Because, it's not until January and that's a year away, right?

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