
Blog of a Writer on the Go and Barely Here.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rhino's Super Special Project is Live!

Over the weekend I posted on my children's blog about a project I was working on featuring WHO WILL DANCE WITH ME? The project was a book video done in the same style as Reading Rainbow, with the illustrations being narrated by a voice over.

The first video I posted was ok, but the voice over quality was poor. (I had to use my laptop microphone, which in turn gave me a lot of white noise.) Fortunately, right after I shared the video, my brother messaged me to say he had sound recording equipment and I was welcome to use it.

Of course, I jumped at this offer. I'd have been stupid not to.

So, without any more of my ramblings, here is the brand-new, very shiny video.

Enjoy!!! (And be sure to thank my brother for saving everyone's ears from the white noise of doom. ;-) )

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