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Friday, September 19, 2014

I Think It's Time for a Contest

Just a quick post today.

I just discovered I can see whose referrals through social media sites and websites are responsible for donations on Indiegogo. I think this means we should have a contest. What do you guys all think?

Here's the deal: Campaign ends on October 30th. Whoever is responsible for the most donations through referrals will win a signed copy of WHAT THE TOWN KNEW in their choice of format PLUS swag.

Already donated? You can still win. If your donation was below the book tier, you'll get your choice of book (as above.) If you were already receiving a copy of the book, you'll be bumped up to the next gift tier.

Remember, Sunday ends the Early Bird Special, which the winner will also receive. $20 or more gets you a special tote and key chain along with you tier gifts.

So, spread the word. And Good Luck!

Need the link again? Here you go! Help Publish WHAT THE TOWN KNEW.

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